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`085691398333 alat uji beton123, Hammer Test murah, hammer test

Update Terakhir
20 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Harga Mulai
Rp. 123
Sampai dengan
Rp. 789
ABADI UTAMA GLODOK Kami Menjual Fire Protection Engineering, Safety Equipment Center, Multimeter, Engineering Plastik, Heater, Industrial Materials dan General Trading yang berkualitas bagus dan harga murah / bersaing / terjangkau.

Detail `085691398333 Alat Uji Beton123, Hammer Test Murah, Hammer Test

Kami menjual berbagai ukuran dan type alat uji beton. 
 Jual Hammer Test NJ 80 (korea)


Untuk pemesanan dan informasi harga hub Mia / Christine. Telp: 0856.9139.8333 (WA) dan 0813.1781.5151. Email : [email protected]

 Jual Hammer Test NJ 80 (korea)




The Concrete Test Hammer / Hammer Test, suitable for rapid quality control of concrete work is built on a scale pointer and graphics. Concrete Test Hammer Tool To measure the compressive strength of concrete or hard to know quickly and practically. Commonly used for Quality Control of work. * Used for non-destructive measurement of concrete / mortar compressive strength of concrete characteristics * Quality control of the uniform (in-situ concrete and prefabricated structures) * Detection of weak spots in the concrete.
Hammer Name: NJ - 80
* Survey Type: N-type
   Ø Survey Methods: Violence Repulsion
* Survey Range: 100-600 kg/cm2
* Weight: 1.4 Kg
* Includes: Hammer, grinding wheels, tote bags, manual records
Hammer's Test Objectives
This test uses a hammer impact testing of concrete surfaces, and then surveys the repulsion force
Test Hammer's Principal
NJ-80 hammer tests of high quality, the method is very simple and easy to survey the development of violence.
Survey Methods Hammer
- Palo has adapted to use ground before launch. mean adjusting typically R = 80 ± 1, but the tolerance of R = 80 ± 2 was approved, but the tolerance is
* Discover the use of metal detectors iron rods and then void where an iron rod when you use a hammer.
* Choose a plane
* Avoid prominence and depression, fractures and gaps, pebble gravel, stone.
* Remove the powder with a grinding stone.
* Remove the stand and depression using a grinding stone.
* Choose a place that is more than 10cm thick concrete. ii. measurement
* Minimum 3 - 6cm away from the bars, the pillars
* Size is 3cm by 3cm Hit the strike length of 5 times, in the high 4 times hit.
* When the hammer hit, keeping the right ang
* If you find a strange sound or damaged holes, ignoring the number, move to the next good point and try again
Made in Korea
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